Below is the public comment submitted by Friends of Oaks Bottom against a proposed 147 foot lighted “drop tower” in Oaks Park. The application for the related zoning variance can be accessed at: https://www.portland.gov/ppd/zoning-land-use/documents/notice-land-use-proposal-lu-24-100613-ad/download. Please submit your own comments to help prevent this construction no later than January 16th to Andrew Gulizia, Andrew.Gulizia@portlandoregon.gov. Thank you for your support and for helping to preserve our beloved refuge!
Friends of Oaks Bottom is dedicated to the preservation of the largest remaining natural area in the Willamette River’s lower floodplain. We engage the surrounding communities and the city of Portland at large in conserving this unique natural area through education and volunteer work. Our goal is to connect people to the multitude of nature and wildlife that thrives in Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge.
Friends of Oaks Bottom strongly opposes Oaks Amusement Park’s proposed zoning code variances so that they can construct a 147 foot lighted “drop tower.” Oaks Amusement Park has requested: “to increase the maximum structure height from 30 feet to 147 feet” and “to allow new exterior lighting on and near the “drop tower” ride that is not downward-facing and shielded and not below 3000K;” both of these proposed variances are seriously concerning to Friends of Oaks Bottom, and both are at odds with many of the “Relevant Approval Criteria” outlined by the City of Portland in this proposal.
If constructed, this tower would be an eyesore for much of the Sellwood Neighborhood. The Sellwood Bluff, which runs along Sellwood Boulevard at the South end of Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge, provides scenic viewpoints out to downtown Portland, Mt. St. Helens, and the Willamette River. A tall and glaringly bright tower would detract from the scenic elements of the bluff that attract so many people to walk, run, and play along it. Moreover, on summer nights, the proposed tower would blast a wave of light into the residences surrounding Oaks Bottom.
More significant even than the assault on the beloved scenic area are the effects that such a light tower would have on the hundreds of species of wildlife that rely on Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge. Bright lights illuminating the lake and marsh, especially at night, would negatively impact all manner of wildlife from birds to beavers. Additionally, it is well-known that light-pollution is a leading cause of bird death; the light produced by this tower would present a huge obstacle for the hundreds of nocturnal and diurnal species of birds that breed in, and migrate through Oaks Bottom in spring and fall.
In this context, it is no surprise that the proposal fails to meet most of the Relevant Approval Criteria:
- Granting the adjustments will NOT equally or better meet the purpose of the regulation to be modified.
- The proposal WILL significantly detract from the liveability and appearance of the nearby residential zones.
- The cumulative effects of the two proposed adjustments result in a project which is NOT consistent with the overall purpose of the zone. This height and brightness of the proposed tower would negatively impact a multitude of wildlife; the scenic “natural” appearance of the refuge that draws so many people to its trails each year; and the liveability and appearance of the neighborhoods that immediately surround the area.
- City-designated scenic resources are NOT preserved. The proposed tower is immediately adjacent to multiple city-designated scenic resources including: the Willamette River and Willamette River Greenway and Springwater on the Willamette regional trail.
We believe that this proposal would wreak significant and irreparable damage on the 160 acre Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge. Based on the concerns listed above, and the inconsistencies with the Relevant Approval Criteria, the application should be denied.
May 11 ACTION ALERT: Proposed 7 Story Buildings on Bluff
A developer is proposing a zoning change along the East side of the bluff overlooking Oaks Bottom to allow up to 75 foot buildings to be built directly adjacent to the slope. This poses as a landslide hazard, and could have the negative effects of increasing litter in the refuge, and acting as an eyesore towering over Oaks Bottom. Now, the proposal is going to City Council for a vote. The most easiest way to oppose this is to submit brief online testimony.
To access the online testimony form, as well as talking points and more information, click HERE.
To access photos of the site mentioned in the proposal, click HERE.
To access a map of the proposed zoning changes, click HERE.
Thank you for helping Friends of Oaks Bottom oppose this proposal!